
Providing Support

When an activity that gives you pleasure starts taking over your day-to-day life, this is when you are likely to need help.

Our seasoned professionals are well-trained to help you no matter what addiction you may be suffering with.

Addictions we help with include:

✓ Alcohol
✓ Benzodiazepine
✓ Cannabis
✓ Cocaine
✓ Codeine
✓ Heroin & Opiates
✓ Mephedrone
✓ Prescription Drugs

rehab in Bangalore


Don’t be fooled by the fact that alcohol is legal - it is an addictive substance that is available almost everywhere.Alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism, but too much of it can lead to the opposite effect.Problems can include severe liver damage, high blood pressure, impotence, depression, short-term memory loss and a host of other problems.


This medication is usually used to treat anxiety, sleeping problems and epileptic seizures.They generally have a calming effect on your brain and because it is an effective drug, it is notoriously difficult to get over in the same way as alcohol.The withdrawal process needs to be managed sensibly as benzodiazepine cannot be immediately stopped without consequences, which is why you should call experts such as ourselves to help you get over them.


Also known as marijuana, weed, dope, pot and hash, cannabis is one of the most popular drugs on the market today.THC is a part of cannabis and this goes to the brain and stimulates the pleasure centres, which leads to addiction.Although often seen as a ‘safe’ drug, users can experience anxiety and paranoia, while the fact that it contains carbon monoxide can causes problems for your lungs and heart.


Considered one of the worst drugs on the market, people feel a euphoric high when taking coke or blow that the user feels can only be replicated by taking more cocaine.This high combines with a crash effect when the drug wears off, which leads to fatigue and depression. The effects of cocaine can begin even after the first use and can lead to all manner of problems. Professional help is required to get over this drug.


Codeine can be used for legitimate medical purposes but it is also highly addictive and provides people with an overall sense of calm and pleasure.It is used to treat pain that doesn’t respond to painkillers but it can cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, loss of appetite, confusion, nausea, constipation and other symptoms.

Heroin & Opiates

Heroin is the most lethal and abused opiate in the world. Opiates react with pleasure and pain relief sensors in the brain to create euphoria and contentment.There are multiple side effects including lightheadedness, sweating and difficulty in breathing. Users also build up tolerance to the drug, which means what is fine for one person can kill another. The withdrawal process can also produce serious side effects.Our innovative treatment can get your life back on track as we use a variety of different therapies to help you.


Closely related to amphetamines like speed and ecstasy, mephedrone is one of the newer drugs on the market.Effects can vary a lot and the dangers are becoming more apparent as time goes by, which is why it is now illegal.The risk is increased when combined with alcohol so to find out more about the potential effects this drug could have on you, call us now.

Prescription Drugs

Pharmacies sell over-the-counter drugs that contain opiates and antidepressants, which can lead to dependency.If you are needing more of the drug to cope with a problem, then this is a sign you could be affected.There are a range of symptoms depending on the type of drug you are using. Just because you are using a legal drug, it can still lead to addiction and you may need help from experts such as ourselves.


To find out more and begin your treatment programme as soon as possible please contact us using the number below.