Treatment & Services

Clean In 12 Steps

Seasons offers a variety of residential addiction treatment programmes for men and women. Residents participate in a bespoke integrative recovery programme, that is tailored to suit their needs. Based in Bangalore, we have the facilities and staff to halt your addiction and turn your life around.

All treatments are administered in a confidential manner and we offer all the support you need.

rehab in Bangalore

Seasons rehabilitation Centre Bangalore

The Process

We get rid of the harmful toxins in your body, depending on your circumstances and the drug involved.

We devise a bespoke programme for you to follow to improve your willpower, confidence and motivation through group therapy, one-to-one sessions and other treatments.

We know that once you leave our centre, you may encounter problems that could tempt you back into taking harmful substances. That’s why we help you reintegrate into society, offer you ongoing support and give your family any help required.


Our Team

Our staff have a huge amount of experience and expertise to help you get your life back on track.

Rehabilitation Bangalore

L Khera

Business Director and Founder (U.K)

rehabilitation in Bangalore

Umesh Patel

Business Director and Founder (India)

Rehab Karnataka

John Hagans

Nurse Consultant and Founder (U.K)

rehab in Bangalore for drugs

Jon King

Registered Consultant Manager (U.K)

Our therapeutic model includes:

– 12 step philosophy and groupwork
– Cognitive behavioural therapy
– Psychotherapy
– Addiction workshops 
– Humanistic therapies
– Team building activities
– Relapse Prevention
– Arts and crafts
– Yoga
– Interpersonal group therapy
– One to one therapy work with a focus on core issues