Tomas's Bed

Saving Life's at Seasons

We at Seasons understand that not everybody that requires treatment for an addiction is in the position financially to fund their treatment. Seasons, however, are in a position based on personal circumstance, to offer a charitable bed to an individual seeking treatment for drug or alcohol treatment. This treatment place is called Tomas’s bed. Tomas was a young man in his twenties who was in the process of admission to Seasons Rehabilitation Centre when he overdosed and died. A charity bed has now been dedicated to Tomas’s name to try to ensure that a bed is accessible to those that need it.
If you would like to enquire about Tomas’s Bed then please contact us quoting the reference ‘Tomas’s Bed’.
Note: This treatment place is based on specific criteria so please enquire to find out whether you meet this criteria.

charity rehab in Bangalore

" Our son Tom was an addict and had been for ten years. He struggled with his addictions and desperately wanted to be clean and was booked into Seasons only a few days after his tragic death. He suffered with his mental health but when he was stable he was the best son any parents could have but when he was unstable he could be very angry and confrontational and blamed us for everything. Living with Tom could be very chaotic but also wonderful as he was very loving and caring and lit up a room with his charisma. He had many friends and interests. Tom was never mundane. He was the best of us. We love and miss him so much and we hope Tom’s bed will help other addicts and parents who are suffering like us."

Have Questions? Get In Touch!

Charity Bed


To find out more and begin your treatment programme as soon as possible please contact us using the number below.