Bangalore - Silicon Valley of India is getting into the grip of Drugs

Bangalore: City Police raised a concern over a sharp rise in synthetic drug use among youth aged 15 to 30 years. ( Source Times of India )

Parents Keep a Watch on your Child. 

How to spot signs of drug use ?

  1. Sullen, withdrawn or depressed.
  2. Less motivated.
  3. Silent, uncommunicative.
  4. Hostile, angry, uncooperative.
  5. Deceitful or secretive.
  6. Unable to focus.
  7. A sudden loss of inhibitions.
  8. Hyperactive or unusually elated.

Signs Your Child May Be Using Drugs

  1. Changes in friends.
  2. Negative changes in schoolwork, missing school, or declining grades.
  3. Increased secrecy about possessions or activities.
  4. Use of incense, room deodorant, or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odors

Some signs of drug use may include:

  1. Withdrawal from friends and family.
  2. Change in friendships or problems with friends.
  3. A drop in grades or attendance at school.
  4. Signs of sadness, depression, agitation or hostility.
  5. An increase in borrowing money.
  6. Evidence of drug paraphernalia or missing prescription drugs.

What to do if your child is taking drugs?

  1. Ask them open questions about their life and feelings.
  2. Let them know that you care and they can talk to you about alcohol or drugs.
  3. Listen to your child’s opinion – try not to get angry or interrupt.
  4. Use examples without blaming alcohol or drug use – for example, I was worried when you were sick the other morning.

Some of the hardest drugs to quit are:

We Recommend you to put them in a Rehabilitation Centre for a couple of months.

What can parents do to prevent drug abuse?

  1. Know your teen’s activities. Pay attention to your teen’s whereabouts.
  2. Establish rules and consequences.
  3. Know your teen’s friends.
  4. Keep track of prescription drugs.
  5. Provide support.
  6. Set a good example.
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To find out more and begin your treatment programme as soon as possible please contact us using the number below.

Seasons – Rehabilitation Centre in Bangalore is a Luxury and Bespoken rehab which has the most highly trained staff and counselors from India and UK ( You can Visit our UK site at : | India Bangalore )

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